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Programs & Services

Our programs provide a variety of services that aid to reduce maternal and infant mortality while strengthening the family.  We invite you to learn more about our programs below.


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Pregnant Mom Doing Yoga Pose

A program designed for at-risk Black/African American and Hispanic pregnant women to reduce gestational hypertension and diabetes.


Pregnancy Wellness


Emergency Basic

Emergency Basic Needs Assistance provides emergency financial services such as rental, utility, transportation, or food assistance to help Broward County individuals and families in crisis meet their basic needs.

Financial Assistance


The Mahogany Project is a health education program targeting high-risk pregnant women in the 33311, 33313, 33319, 33023, 33060, and 33068 zip codes. Mothers learn how to monitor and improve their health. 

Parenting & Health Education

The Mahogany Project


M-Power provides counseling, parenting education, case management services, and support groups to women who are experiencing depression, anxiety, and difficulty bonding with the baby during pregnancy and postpartum.

Parenting / Counseling



Healthy Families is a
nationally-accredited family support and coaching program that helps parents provide the safe and stable environments children need for healthy growth and development. 

Parenting / Coaching

Healthy Families


The Forget Me Not® program f recognizes the babies of Broward County who had passed away before their 1st birthday.

Bereavement Support/Healing

Forget Me Not

© Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of Broward County, Inc.   |   website design by

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