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Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies

Welcome to the MOMS program blog! It is important that you know some key details about our program. The Mothers Overcoming Maternal Stress (M.O.M.S.) program is a short term, voluntary home visiting and virtual program for women who are pregnant or have a child under the age of one living in Broward County. The program provides mental health services, parenting education, case management, and support groups to women who are experiencing depression, anxiety, and difficulty bonding with the baby during pregnancy and postpartum. Services are provided in English, Spanish, and Creole.

M.O.M.S Groups

Support groups are available to all clients in the program. The support groups are held once a week and have a variety of topics including parenting education, nutrition, relationships, child bonding and development, and more.

Case Management

Case management is available to all clients who are actively participating in counseling services. Case management provides clients with resources and education to be successful on a needs basis. Resources that can be assisted with include, but are not limited to, employment, WIC, childcare, Food Stamps, Cash Assistance, child development items, and child safety. Case management is not a requirement for the program and is client driven.

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